Sunday, March 21, 2010

Leap and the Net will appear...

"Leap and the net will appear"...I read that once, a long time ago & have never forgotten it.

So often, we know what we are called to do. We know that next step we are supposed to take. We know what God is asking of us.
And yet... we hold back. We hesitate. Second guess ourselves.


Because we don't see the outcome... where that first step is going to take us. We don't know if there will be a happy ending. If anyone will join us... or if the journey will find us alone.

And yet, the truth is, if we never take that first step... there will be no journey at all. No ending... happy OR sad. And we will never know what God could have done with our lives, if we had just trusted Him.

I want to learn to just leap... believing that the net WILL appear. To take that first step, even if I have no clue where it will take me. To trust that I will NEVER walk alone.

I made the commitment to blog at least every Sunday. I wanted to write about human trafficking tonight... but this is what's on my heart. Perhaps it is my own heart longing to be free, from a different kind of slavery. To be free to follow His voice.

1 comment:

  1. I really love what you said about leaping, and then the net will be there!! I am a person of action, and sometimes I think I get carried away without thinking....but really, my heart truly wants to do something, and I don't want to just sit on the idea! Thank you for your insight! May the Lord bless you in mighty ways for the leap that you have made!! Kim
