Our first night of outreach in Thailand was with the MST Project. I found myself at Nana Plaza in one of Bangkok's red-light districts, and I felt pretty awkward & unprepared for the evening. The sights, sounds, lights, crowds, noise... everything about the place was pretty overwhelming. I knew that we were just a few blocks from NightLight, and that much of the jewelry I sell is made by girls who once worked right here. But we weren't there to talk to the girls that night... MST stands for Male Sex Tourist, and we were there to talk to the men.
When I first learned of this project last year, I was stunned. Why on earth would someone want to go to the bars, to reach out to these men? Weren't these men the enemy? The ones who destroyed the lives of the girls I worked so hard to help, the ones who created the demand for young, beautiful girls who exist to satisfy their needs... these were pedophiles & disgusting men... yes, definitely the enemy.
The following was written by one of their staff members, and pretty clearly explains the WHY behind what they do~
"I believe that some of the men who come to Thailand looking for sex are hurting and in need and are trying to fill that need & hurt with love and intimacy. Yet, the love and intimacy that they seek in a red-light district is not the answer. When I first started this ministry there were a few people who told me that there was no hope for these men, that they were better left alone or ignored. But where is the compassion of God in that? I do not look at these men for where they currently are but rather for where they CAN be with a transformed heart... I believe that it is our responsibility to go to these men, when very few will, and bring the love of God to them..."
Most of the men we talked to were not interested. Some were curious. Some antagonistic. And one young guy seemed a little embarrassed, maybe we reminded him of his mom & sister back home? And then we met Tom*. He was an older man, from the USA, and seemed to really want someone to talk to. Superficial conversation soon changed to deeper things & Tom shared with us that he comes there often, looking for friendship, for companionship. He told us he is lonely & that he comes, even though he knows this isn't the answer. As our time with Tom ended, cell phone numbers were exchanged & plans for coffee or lunch another day were made. I stopped and prayed for Tom, right there on the sidewalk in the red-light district of Bangkok, that he would find what he is looking for, the love that he is seeking.
I am grateful for the chance we had to meet the MST team & to see God's love extended to men that I would never choose to extend it to. I was convicted. I was challenged. And I hope that I was changed.
*Not his real name
Whether we realize it or not, what each one of us longs for is God's unfailing love. Proverbs 19:22 says "What a man desires is unfailing love." His focused, lavish, radical, unfailing love!