Sonagacchi, the oldest and largest of Calcutta's many red-light districts, is home to the six thousand women who sell themselves there. Shoulder to shoulder the women stand, in line... as far as the eye can see. Waiting to be chosen. Scanning this everyday spectacle is a steady stream of men. Up to twenty thousand men come each day... as if shopping in a supermarket.
But now, there is a new business in Sonagacchi. A business focused on FREEDOM, instead of slavery.
Kerry Hilton, co-founder of Freeset says, "The business we are in is actually freedom and to obtain that, we manufacture export quality jute bags." Freeset is about transforming people, and an entire community. Financial profit is certainly not it's primary focus.
All the women at Freeset are paid the same, regardless of their skill level. They get several times what they could earn in a similar job anywhere else. In addition, Freeset has also established a pension scheme and provides health insurance. A low-cost day-care centre is provided for the children while their moms are at work, allowing them to be removed from the perils of the sex district during the day.
The women are also being taught to read and write in their own language. In the beginning, very few could write even their own names. Now they can all sign their names, as well as read simple, practical words. Basic math skills help them in their daily lives, such as shopping in the market. Literacy empowers them to participate more fully in the world around them as well as reducing their vulnerability.
Freeset is not a charity. Instead, it uses an "Upside Down" business model that turns the normal principles of business on their head. Kerry explains, "The way most people start a business is to pick the best people and pay them as little as possible. We pick the least educated and pay them the most we can."
The women at Freeset are being given the chance they never had. I am honored to sell the beautiful bags they create, and to be a small part of the Freeset story. By purchasing and using one, YOU can become a part of the story too.
Please visit their website to learn more.
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